Who we Are
Reaching the one far from God and helping them become a passionate follower of Jesus!
We believe God is looking for unlikely people in overlooked places to do extraordinary things!
Core Values
We are all jacked up!
Romans 3:21-24
We have come to the realization that we all have a story. No matter your background, your mistakes, or your failures: God want to use you. Not only that, but He has been seeking you out throughout your entire lifetime.
We are driven by commitment!
Luke 9:62
Numbers 30:2
One of the things we feel strongly about is the passion for which we serve and the loyalty to our commitments. We believe the loyalty to our commitments are a direct reflection of our relationship with Jesus.
We will fight for our tribe!
Ephesians 4:11-13
We know that many people do not usually have people in their corner fighting for them. But at Reach KC we know that it takes a village. In a broken society, we want to be the family many never had! We want to stand with you and walk this thing out!
We Love Jesus More than Ourselves!
Matthew 22:37
In order to really become a passionate follower of Jesus, we have to get to a point where we love Jesus more than ourselves. And when we do this, He will begin to give us new desires. If we want different, we have to do different.
We live to give!
Philippians 2:17 NLT
Romans 12:1-2
At Reach, we believe Sharing Generously happens in three areas specifically: Time, Talents, and Treasures.
When we are giving of ourselves, it will most definitely cost us time. But think about it, things that mean something to us are worth our time
We roll with honor!
Romans 12:10 ESV
At Reach KC it is important that we are a blessing as we encounter people. The world hands out enough strife and drama, we do not want to follow suit. We want to be set apart, not given over to gossip or slander. The first thing we do in every situation is pursue honor!
We will always remain teachable!
Proverbs 19:20
Proverbs 15:31
One of the best ways to grow, is to realize that we don’t always know everything about everything. Our heart for Reach KC is for us to remain teachable and remain humble!